The Nestled Recovery Center

An Oasis Destination For Addiction Recovery.

At The Nestled Recovery Center in Las Vegas, NV, we provide a beacon of hope for individuals battling substance abuse. Our center stands as a sanctuary for healing, offering comprehensive detox services tailored to facilitate physical and emotional recovery. The road to sobriety can be challenging, but with our professional team’s guidance and support system designed around your needs, you don’t have to walk it alone. For those seeking an alcohol rehab near me in Las Vegas, you’ll find solace within our walls where every step towards recovery is treated with utmost respect and confidentiality. Engage in an empowering journey back to wellness with us by your side; together we’ll navigate towards a future free from addiction’s hold at The Nestled Recovery Center—where transformation begins with compassion and commitment. | Address: 2860 S Bronco St, Las Vegas, NV, 89146, US | Company Email: | Services: Detox, Rehab, Partial Hospitalization, Intensive Outpatient | Company Hours: Monday to Sunday: 09:00-19:00

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