Catholic Church
The story of St. Sebastian’s parish is the story of the love between a beautiful small town and her parish Church.  That love has been burning now for over 100 years.

The story begins in 1890 and in the strangest of places – the Odd Fellows Hall on North Main Street in Sebastopol.  Holy Mass was offered here while Sebastopol was only a mission of Tomales.  Eight years later, however, through the persistence of the townspeople, property for a permanent plant was purchased from a Protestant couple for the sum of $500.

Under the leadership of the first pastor, Fr. Michael Mackey, the eager townspeople donated most of the labor for the construction of their first church building located on Sebastopol Avenue.  The cornerstone was laid in October of 1898, and the beautiful redwood church was dedicated on April 1, 1899.  The rectory was built a year later.

The tremendous spirit of generosity which built that first church has never dimmed over the past 100 years. In 1931 a parish hall was built adjoining the redwood church with donated labor and material; and 42 years later, in 1973, that same spirit added a new kitchen to the parish hall.

Two factors; more people and more automobiles, decided the site and building of our present parish church.  The old redwood church had an inadequate seating capacity for the growing community; and the area surrounding the old church was too small for the rapidly growing number of cars.  Consequently, despite the objection of some that the site was too far out of town, the present church was constructed there in 1957.  A church school was added in 1960, where Catholic Education classes are held today.



SEBASTOPOL, CA 95472-2780

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