Our story began in the year 1883 when Mrs. Frances Fields and Mrs. Mary Henryhand, both residing in North Philadelphia and worshipping in South Philadelphia, at the Shiloh Baptist Church, concluded that the travel distance was too far and difficult. They therefore sought a more convenient and safe arrangement for worshipping. Mr. Burton Rodgers joined them.
By 1889, thirteen others joined the group, and a mission was formed. The mission was called the Morning Star Baptist Mission. The Rev. Henry Thompson was invited to assume pastoral duties. A house at 1424 North Marvine Street became their first church home, and after several more moves, they relocated to 1222 North Eleventh Street.
in 1890, the Rev. Henry Thompson resigned as the leader of the Mission and the Rev. Edward William Johnson, organizer of the first Colored Church of Morristown, New Jersey, was called as pastor. The Mission then became the St. Paul’s Baptist Church.