Chapel Of The Hills Baptist Church


A Friendly, Caring Group of People

The church  has experienced steady growth, as people have discovered a sense of  belonging, of being much more than a name on a list.

A Church That Worships

Our prayer is  that people will leave our services knowing they have been with God.   Everything we do, from enthusiastic singing to special presentations, is  put together with one purpose:  to draw you close to the Lord

A Lighthouse That Points the Way

Our goal is  to offer answers to the tough questions people face.  We want Chapel to be known  as a place where people can find the Lord without intimidation or  embarrassment.

An Emphasis on Teaching and Discipleship

Our small  Sunday School family groups are led by experienced, qualified teachers,  who have spent years in God’s word.  In addition, our Bible  Study/Teaching ministry seeks to dig deep into scripture, offering three  different special studies each week.

Fellowship that Feels like Family

Our people  love to laugh and play together, often hanging out long after a service  is over. We’ll use any excuse to throw a party…

A People Who Care. Really care.

We earnestly desire for your needs to be met.  Prayer, counseling and shoulders to cry on are available anytime.


PO Box 966 Buchanan Dam TX 78609 US

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