Blackfriars Railway Bridge

The world’s largest solar-powered bridge

Blackfriars Railway Bridge is a railway bridge crossing the River Thames in London, between Blackfriars Bridge and the Millennium Bridge. It is the busiest of the four bridges in the City carrying over 50,000 vehicles a day.

Now spanning the width of the Thames with station entrances on both the north and south sides of the river, London Blackfriars railway station has recently been fitted out with thousands of photovoltiac solar panels, making it the largest of only two solar bridges in the world.

The new station roof is equipped with a £7.3m solar array  (funded by the Department of Transport’s Safety and Environment Fund) and can generate 600m2 of PV cells that produce over 1.1MW of energy.

The bridge is also fitted with sun pipes for natural lighting and systems to collect rain water.

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Blackfriars Road
London SE1 9UD Greater London GB
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