97% of Customers Read Online Reviews. Here’s How to Make Sure Yours are in the Top 1%

What else in your business provides a 31% increase in revenue that you can do today?


When was the last time you tried a new restaurant without a recommendation?

If you’re like me, it’s probably been a while.

Everyone you’ve ever met is just naturally inclined to seek the opinion of others before trying something new.

On your own, you don’t know if that new ramen house down the street is any good, but your brother says he took a date there and had a great time.

That carries weight in your decision making as a consumer.

A staggering 97% of customers read online reviews before they buy. And almost half of those interviewed will only trust 4-stars or better.

So you should pay attention the quality of your business’s reviews.

The issue for you is that winning five-star reviews takes time.

To make matters worse, many businesses see social proof as being largely out of their control. Consumers “feel the way they feel” about your business, even if you do everything right.

But I don’t think we should accept that.

Everything you do as a business should be

read more….https://neilpatel.com/blog/online-reviews/